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Should I Put Prices On My Website? The Pros And Cons

This is a highly debated topic. But the data speaks for itself - which we’ll dive into in a bit.

When it comes to putting prices on your website, where do you stand?

Like ordering food from a menu with no prices... The uncertainty over the bill is guaranteed to put a nasty taste in your mouth.

Whether it's the all you can eat buffet or… the melt in your mouth Kobe beef… Let's serve up the goods with a healthy portion of transparency, shall we?

If you've ever been torn over whether to put your prices on your website or not - God knows I've been there… then you are not alone and this post is for you.

We’re going to talk about if you should put prices on your website and the pros and cons of doing so.

A Moral Dilemma... Is it right or wrong?

There's no right or wrong approach to this. You need to make the “right” decision for you, your business and your customers.

It’s important to know your customers really well. You need to know if they would appreciate knowing how much you charge.

WATCH THIS VIDEO. It shows you how to use the right keywords in your website copy so you stand out and attract your ideal customers.

The non-negotiable

Of course, if you have a product-based business then this conversation is a no-brainer. You need to put your prices on your website! I wanna know how much that hoodie is gonna cost before I add to cart!

But when you offer services then this decision becomes a little less straightforward.

Ideas for Service-based industries

Certain service-based industries offer pretty standard prices across the board. Or they work on an hourly rate, such as VAs, therapists, trainers, and coaches to a degree.

But if you are in the creative sector, where projects vary depending on scope and size… it begs the question:

Should you put prices on your website?

The one thing your customers want to know

According to website usability expert Jakob Nielson:

“One of the most important things that customers are looking for on your website is pricing.”

He goes on to say, “If you think your clients are going to call you to get your prices, think again. Not having prices on your website makes people feel uncomfortable and intimidated and they’ll shop somewhere else where they know how much things cost”.

According to research, the number one piece of information customers are looking for when they reach your website is… pricing.

In fact, it ranked 29% higher than the second most important thing which was product availability.

The Pros of Putting Prices on Your Website


1. Builds trust A lot of people value transparency and like knowing how much your products and services cost. Customers trust businesses that are open about their prices. People believe they are upfront and honest in other areas of their business as well.

2. Time-efficient

You’ll spend less time on calls convincing people why they should buy from you. Not having your prices on your website increases the need for persuasive selling.

This is when you feel the need to justify your prices and “persuade” your customers of your value. Doing this can result in bartering on price, which is uncomfortable for everyone. You’re not a commodity!

3. Smart Branding Your prices can set you apart from your competition. At both ends of the spectrum. You can use your prices to separate yourself from your competition.

Of course, other factors can set you apart as well, such as your:

  • Process

  • Speed

  • Quality

  • Location

  • Experience

4. Inspires budgeting

People with the desire to work with you, have a price in mind to save towards. This works really well for your aspirational clients.

These are the customers who love your work, style and brand story. These customers will not be put off by your prices. Instead, they will find excitement in saving up to work with you.

5. Shows consideration

Your customers are busy people. It's good practice to share all the necessary information they’re looking for.

The last thing you want is to turn your customers off and make them leave your website and shop elsewhere.

The Cons To Putting Prices on your Website…

…And what might happen as a result.

1. Customised services - If your business sells bespoke services... then it might be hard to put prices on your website. I get it.

But there are still ways to be transparent about prices. For example, you can say, “Prices start from…” or show examples of your work with the cost of the job displayed.

2. Competition - This is when you don’t want your competitors to know your prices. But here’s the thing ~ it’s easy for your competitors to pose as clients and get your pricey details that way.

Plus your customers can share your prices with their friends.

3. Sales Strategy - Maybe you get your customers on the phone and convince them of your value and persuade them to buy…

I don’t like this strategy.

As a copywriter, I believe your website copy - if written well, should do the “hard selling” for you.

CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO. It will show you How To Write Great Website Copy For Your Business. And you don’t need to be a copywriter to do it!

My belief is No hard sell. No sleazy, car salesmany awkward, seat shuffling moment. Don’t do that to your customer. Treat your customers how you would like to be treated. Never put anyone in an uncomfortable position ever.

4. Price shoppers and tire kickers - You run the risk of attracting people who are shopping based on price. And if that’s the case, they’re *probably* not your ideal customer.

You see… your ideal customer should love what you do and respect your craft. Your ideal customer will *likely* consider their budget but other things, such as…

… quality of work

… style

… method

… efficiency

… customer experience

… communication

… personality fit and additional benefits will also rank high, if not higher.

5. Fear of turning people off and losing them - This might happen. But chances are they weren’t your ideal customers anyway.

Let me share a quick tip with you on how you can minimise the risk of losing people when they come to your website.

Create a valuable lead magnet. A lead magnet is a free resource. Potential customers can download it in exchange for their name and email.

The purpose of the lead magnet is to add value with no expectation of getting anything in return. And the added bonus is that you don’t lose them.

They join your mailing list. You can continue to have a conversation with them and build a relationship.

I currently have 4 lead magnets knocking about to support you as you start and grow your online business.

Listen To Your Gut

Now if you’re still on the fence with this my advice would be to listen to your gut. Pay more attention to your inner wisdom rather than what everyone else is doing.

If people in your industry, as a general rule, don't tend to put prices on their website. But something - that little voice in you - feels uncomfortable *not* sharing your prices. Then I say, pay attention to that voice and listen to your gut.

I agree with the folks over at Horseshoe & Co.

They say, “When it comes to making this decision, think about your audience. They are the most important factor. What would they expect to see when they visit your website and how important does price play in their decision to work with you?”

Don’t be shy. Reach out!

And a little word of advice before you go ~

Don't be shy or feel put off by the prices listed on people's websites.

If you get a good feeling about someone, reach out.

Book a call or send an email. You never know what might manifest in a 30-minute chat.

And there you have it, Should you put prices on your website and the pros and cons of doing so.

Now I'd love to hear from you. I'm really curious about this one...

Tell me in the comments, do you have prices on your website? Yes or No, tell me why?

I would love to know.

Till next time.

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