Our ego will have us believe that we are separate from other people and that we are enough on our own. It will tell us that all that matters is our own joy and happiness.
But nothing is further from the truth.
The key to happiness in life and business is in the connections we have with other people.
Our most fulfilled and possibly joyful memories are the ones we share with other people and when we are doing the things that light us up.
This is true in life and in business.
It’s Not Just About You, Baby Girl
With the rise of social media, Instagram models and reality TV shows it’s easy to believe that the world revolves around us and that our own personal happiness is the most important thing.
And I’m not saying that your happiness doesn’t matter, of course, it does. But when we shift our focus from “me” and “mine” to “we” and “ours” everything changes.
When our goal is to add value and make a difference in this world through our products, services and life experiences we will naturally feel a sense of purpose and fulfilment.
And from fulfilment comes happiness - true and meaningful happiness.
Build A Community Of Changemakers
Focus on serving your community, your clients and your customers with the best you have to offer.
As you share your message with the world and start to grow your email list and online followers on social media you will start to build meaningful relationships with people who share your vision: A vision of a world where their problem is resolved and their goals are achieved.
That’s how you create a community of fellow changemakers and that’s powerful because there’s strength in numbers.
If Selling Is Tripping You Up, Try This
OK, I gotta break it to you, you’re gonna have to sell some stuff!
I know, I know, you’re thinking, “Nat, Noooooooo!” But, it’s true.
If your goal is to have a successful online business then you’ll have to sell yourself - not like that - but you’ll have to get comfortable promoting your story, your products, services, thoughts and ideas.
No Old Bald Guys Selling Used Cars
OK, let’s debunk the old age myth about selling, here goes -
Selling doesn’t have to be sleazy like a balding guy’s greasy comb-over. Ick!
For decades selling has been considered a scammy part of business and understandably so. Think Harry
Wormwood in the movie Matilda and you’ll know what I mean.
For years, we’ve seen depictions of people who are manipulative and untrustworthy trying to take advantage of a situation and con the good guy.
So for us as ethical business owners, the idea of selling leaves our heart racing and bodies squirming in our seats as if we were watching an episode of Bridgerton.
So, what do you do when you know you should do something but don’t want to? Nope, throwing a tantrum of toddler-sized proportions is not the answer.
What's Love Got To Do With It?
Basically, we do what I alluded to earlier in the post - we put other people’s needs before our own. We consider the situation of your customers.
We think of the problems they’re facing on a daily basis, especially as it relates to our products and services.
We imagine a world where their lives are transformed because they connected with us and built genuine relationships.
Compassionate marketing is showing you care.
Calling Cookie Lyon!
It’s time to see selling in a different way. If selling has you scared and unsure then try this -
The next time you need to make a sales call or send a marketing email, say to yourself: “I’m not selling, I’m serving.”
And for all you badass chics out there, you can harness your inner Cookie Lyon and say, “I have the best product/service on the market _________ [fill with expletive]! You need this, ______________!” [fill with expletive]
Like Montell Jordan said, This Is How We Do It
Here’s what you do -
Commit to showing up and adding value to your customer’s lives every day.
Think of ways that you can make their day a little brighter, a little easier and a little happier.
Then create content that moves your customers forward.
Share it via email, on social media, in a video post or on your podcast.
Then tomorrow, repeat. Yep - practice doing this every day. Even if you don’t share every day, think about how you can continue to make a difference in people’s lives.
This is the key to happiness in business and in life.
Action Item
So, this week, ask yourself -
“How can I show up and make someone happy?”
And then, beautiful soul, get to work, get busy and get laser-focused on making other people happy whether it’s in business or in life.
Hey, if this has left you tingling all over with good vibrations then spread the love by sharing it and let happiness reign.
And, hey, have you signed up for my weekly email. You can consider it the inbox version of a full body massage. Here's a little taster from this week's mail out:
Words to enrich the soul: These are quotes from people who said it best. There were quotes from Goldie Hawn and Maya Angelou as well as this little gem from the one and only Amy Winehouse:
"Some people come into our lives leave footprints and we're never the same again"
In bed with... : These are the creative beings keeping me company at night - Drew doesn't mind. And this week, I enjoyed some pillow time with Don Miguel Ruiz and his book, The Four Agreements.
"Go inside and listen to your body because your body will never lie to you. Your mind will play tricks but the way you feel in your heart, in your guts, is the truth."
Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements
And we also talked about the unexpected snowfall we had in the UK over Easter and how as online business owners we need to be nimble and stay on our toes. Unexpected things happen. And when they do it's good to feel ready. So, this week we looked at how to prep and plan for when those big, exciting and career launching moments come knocking.
So, if your inbox could do with lashings of love on a level that only Princess Poppy can understand then you know what to do.
With so much love,
Nat x