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How To Set Smart Goals This Year And Prioritise Yourself

Goal setting and Energy Management Tips For Small Businesses

It’s a brand new year and a chance to wipe the slate clean (if you wish) and start over.

January is a fantastic time to reflect and plan ahead before you hit that reset button and march towards the goals and dreams you feel most passionately about.

I think it’s important in today’s ever-changing, fast-paced and noisy world... that we take the time to tune in to the quiet whispers of our hearts.

Check-in with ourselves. And discover what truly lights us up, motivates us and keeps us moving forward.

As small creative and spiritual business owners, it’s essential that we protect our spirit and set goals that are in alignment with our values.

The last thing we want is to embark on a journey towards a goal that we later realise doesn’t fulfil us or worse…

Wasn’t really our goal to pursue in the first place.

So, let's set SMART goals and learn ways to manage our energy.

That way we can show up as our best selves and have fun and express love along the way.

Alright, if you’re into goal setting then you’ve probably heard of and used the acronym S.M.A.R.T.

If you haven’t then here’s a quick overview.

S. Be specific.

Set real numbers and real deadlines. No wishy-washy stuff like: “I want more sales”.

Instead, write down how many new customers, clients, members, subscribers, followers etc. you want to have by “x” date.

M. Measurable.

Get in the habit of tracking your progress.

If you want to lose weight then:

track your food intake

your workouts,

your weight,

BMI, etc. so you can set a date for when you plan on rocking those sexy skinny jeans.

A. Attainable.

Be bold and brave when you set your goals. Aim big but be “realistic”.

If you set something impossible ~ such as cure world hunger tomorrow ~ you’ll loose momentum and motivation when you fall short. So, set goals that stretch you but don’t overwhelm you.

R. Be realistic.

Let’s face it what’s possible for you if you’re single, in your 20’s living at home with your parents while your start your online business will be very different than if you are in your 40’s raising kids and holding down a 9-5 while you pursue your passion project on the side.

Be kind to yourself and set realistic goals

T. Make sure your goals are time-sensitive.

Otherwise, you run the risk of never reaching them and that can lead to disillusionment and a sense of failure. When in reality giving your goals a deadline will motivate you to stay the course.

So, that’s it S.M.A.R.T, specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-sensitive.

It’s a popular framework (not created by me) but you can use it to assess the quality and calibre of your goals.

I also promised you that I’d share some energy managing tips as you look to achieving your big and audacious goals. So, here goes!

Number 1. Rest.

And when I say rest, I don’t mean rest after you’ve pushed yourself to the limit repeatedly and your body has hit a wall and you are on the verge of the dreaded crash and burn.

No, I mean rest well at night and take time during the day to sit and simply be. Trust me, there’s power and moments of miracles found in silence.

Decide on the life you want to live. Think about how that looks, how much money you’ll need, the lifestyle you’d like to have etc.

And then set your goals in alignment with that vision.

You don’t need to be everywhere, doing everything for everyone. Prioritise yourself and your health and your business with thrive.

Number 2. Less Is More.

In life and work. There’s no need to have a to-do list with urgent and important tasks screaming for your attention every single day. That is not healthy or smart.

Instead, decide on the one big goal you’d like to achieve this year. Then break it down into smaller chunks and then spread them out across the year. These become the mini-milestone moments that you hit each quarter. Doing this will keep you on track and hold you accountable.

The key is to avoid overwhelm and the feeling of being stuck - that’s why having 1 thing to focus on at a time is so effective.

If you haven’t read it, grab yourself a copy of The ONE Thing by Gary Keller.

A must-read for small business owners looking to manage their time better, be more productive and achieve success.

OK ~

Tip Number 3. Define Your Position.

Small creative and spiritual businesses are the brightest gem in the crown jewels.

We’re the creme de la creme because we are small enough to pivot when the season and climate need us to BUT...

We have the capacity to be friendly and approachable. We can connect with our customers on a level and in a way that larger firms cannot.

FREE GUIDE! Define your unique brand voice and brand positioning

Be proud of your unique position in the marketplace. There’s enough space for all of us to shine. So, define the person and the brand you wish to be in your corner of the world and go all in.

Don’t worry about the “competition”.

Focus on your business, your clients, your audience, products and services. And commit to shining as bright as you possibly can.

And finally, Tip No. 4 Set Your Boundaries.

I could talk about this forever and thanks to Nedra Glover Tawwab, author of the book Set Boundaries, Find Peace... I’m stepping into 2022 with a whole new mindset around boundaries.

Here’s the thing ~ we’ll never find true peace if we ignore what our heart desires most.

If people, things and situations disrupt our energy and create an imbalance in our soul... then we will experience turmoil and inner conflict. And as a result, we will struggle to show up as our best selves.

Setting boundaries in our lives is essential.

If you want this year to be your best year yet then you will have to say “No”. I know it can be hard especially if you’re a people pleaser.

But just know that the word “No” is a complete sentence.

But if you struggle to say it then it can also take on different forms like:

“I’m unable to help you at this time”

“That’s not my area of expertise”

“I don’t want to do that”

“That’s not my focus right now”

“I can’t lend you money”

“I won’t lend you my car if you don’t fill up the tank when you return it”

“I’d appreciate it if you would wash the clothes you borrow from me before returning them”

“I don’t like it when you show up to our meetings late”

“It upsets me when you interrupt me when I’m speaking, please don’t do that”

Those are some examples of how to set your boundaries and stay true to yourself.

Say no and walk away! See how I recently set boundaries in my business and made a tough choice

And here’s a key takeaway I got from Nedra’s book: Boundaries are as much for the other person as they are for you.

People aren’t mind readers - which Drew loves to tell me… For some reason I expect him to know what I want and what I’m thinking after all these years… But alas!

The thing is, we have to express how we feel and what we want or don’t want.

When we are comfortable doing this in our lives it will translate over to how we operate in our businesses. And as a result make us better marketers, communicators and copywriters.

And there you have it!

The smart way to set goals in 2022 and 4 ways to manage your energy moving forward... so you can shine all the brighter and serve in a bigger and more impactful way this year.

And if you know anybody looking to up their game this year and make the next 12 months count then share this video with them.

And now I would love to hear from you!

Did you like this video? Was it helpful in any way? What part resonated with you the most?

I would love to know. Share with me in the comments

Love Nat x

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